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-Kidding Schedule 2025-

If you have any questions please send us an email at


Yellow Point HW Hazelnut *M


Shekinah FTS Heart of Gold


*First doeling retained*

*Bucklings available registered*


Hazel's Strengths: 

feet, fore udder, attachments, udder height, capacity, udder texture, teat placement, medial, topline


Hazel's Weaknesses:

teat size, width


Heart of Gold's Strengths:

legs, topline, body length, attachments, udder height, teat placement, fore udder, teat and orifice size, capacity, udder texture


Due: April 10​

Confirmed via ultrasound


Inbreeding Co-efficient:


Giffen's Glade IM Millionaire


Shekinah CP Platinum Blonde



Millionaires' Strengths: 

feet, legs, length, topline, width, teat placement, attachments, fore udder, medial, capacity


Platinum Blonde's Strengths:

feet, legs, topline, attachments, udder height, teat placement, fore udder, teat and orifice size, capacity


Due: April 12

Confirmed via ultrasound


50-100% blue eyes


Inbreeding Co-efficient:


Giffen's Glade KHO Woe is Me


Udderly Fabulous Indigo Moon



Woe's Strengths: 

feet, legs, length


Woe's Weaknesses: 

topline, width


Indigo's Strengths:

legs, topline, body length and width, attachments, udder height, teat placement


Due: April 7

Confirmed via ultrasound


50% blue eyes

50% moonspots


Inbreeding Co-efficient:


Giffen's Glade SO Holy Smokes


Udderly Fabulous Indigo Moon



Holy's Strengths: 

feet, legs, length


Holy's Weaknesses: 

topline, width


Indigo's Strengths:

legs, topline, body length and width, attachments, udder height, teat placement


Due: April 7

Confirmed via ultrasound


50% blue eyes

50% moonspots


Inbreeding Co-efficient:


Giffen's Glade SO Hollyhock


Shekinah CP Platinum Blonde



Holly's Strengths: 

feet, legs, length, width


Holly's Weaknesses: 



Platinum Blonde's Strengths:

feet, legs, topline, attachments, udder height, teat placement, fore udder, teat and orifice size, capacity


Due: April 6​​

Confirmed via ultrasound


Inbreeding Co-efficient:


Giffen's Glade SO HeebieJeebie


Shekinah FTS Heart of Gold



Heebie's Strengths: 

feet, legs, length, topline


Heebie's Weaknesses: 



Heart of Gold's Strengths:

legs, topline, body length, attachments, udder height, teat placement, fore udder, teat and orifice size, capacity, udder texture


Due: April 6​

Confirmed via ultrasound


Inbreeding Co-efficient:


Giffen's Glade SC Vanessa


Udderly Fabulous Indigo Moon


*First polled doeling retained*

*Bucklings wethered*


Vanessa's Strengths:

feet, legs, topline, width attachments, fore udder


Vanessa's Weaknesses:

 teat size, udder texture


Indigo's Strengths:

legs, topline, body length and width, attachments, udder height, teat placement


Due: May 24


50% polled

50% blue eyes

50% moon spots


Inbreeding Co-efficient:


Giffen's Glade SC Ophelia


Shekinah FTS Heart of Gold


*First doeling retained*


Ophelia's Strengths: 

feet, legs, length, topline, attachments, udder texture


Ophelia's Weaknesses:

width, teat size, capacity


Heart of Gold's Strengths:

legs, topline, body length, attachments, udder height, teat placement, fore udder, teat and orifice size, capacity, udder texture​


Due: May 29


50% polled


Inbreeding Co-efficient:


  • Some doelings will be retained.

  • Bucklings will be available as intact or wethered based on their dams and their body confirmation.

  • Kids are available for pickup after 10 weeks of age.

  • Please click the link to fill out the questionnaire to be put on our waitlist.

  • Breeding pairs can be subject to change up until breeding. 

A sneak peek at our 2026 kidding plan:

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