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Turtlewood KM Caspian Rune

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Dam: One of three first Nigerian Dwarf does in Canada to earn her Milk Star.



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Photo Credits of Dam and Sire to Turtlewood Farm

Sire's Grand Dam: ADGA National Reserve Champion 2012

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Full Sister: Turtlewood KM Catalina - 2019 Royals/East Nationals Jr Champion. 


DOB: March 12, 2018

Registration #: D150464

Sire: Kyeema Ridge Midnight Rider EX92 (USA)

Dam: GCH. Furthur FP Corrina VG88 *M


     Dam is one of three 1st Nigerian Dwarf does in Canada to earn her Milk Star, is a Finished Permanent Champion, and is the first Nigerian Dwarf doe in Canada to become Select Doe. 


Progeny Record:

2020- 3 doelings, 3 bucklings

2021 - 3 doeling, 6 bucklings



Caspian is a very sweet, friendly buck. Caspain loves scratches and will flirt with anything.



Caspian has great width and length! Caspian has straight legs. Caspian also has an awesome rump angle. His front feet were not very correct - poor pasterns.


Pedigree's Udder: 

Highly attached. Nice medial. Well blended.


His Kids:

Nice rump angles and back, straight legs. Poor front feet.


Daughter's Udders:

Giffen's Glade TC Sultana -

improved: teat placement, medial, teat shape

worse: capacity


Giffen's Glade TC Eclipse - 

improved: capacity

worse: udder height, foreudder, teat placement, and medial



Colour- Caspian is genetically one chamoise allele and one black allele.

Eye- Caspian has one blue eye allele and one brown eye allele.

Horned- Caspian has two horned alleles.






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